All posts by Website Admin

Looking for pet boarding in Rocky Point?

<div style="text-align: left;">Finally an option to have your pet near by while vacationing in Rocky Point. Rocky Pet just opened and has alll the services you are used to get in a Vet or Hospital in the States. Pet Boarding, Grooming, Dog Walking, Doggie Day Care call 480 823 4341 for reservations or email Check our blog about <a href="">Rock Pet Hotel and Spa</a></div>

Super Bowl Sunday in Rocky Point

If you are planning of coming to Rocky Point for Super Bowl XLVII weekend… Besides enjoying of a great weekend by the beach with cool drinks and amazing sea food… you don’t have to miss the game between the San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens. Here we present you some options of many sports bars around the town that for sure will be hosting Super Bowl parties.

Shopping in Rocky Point

Shopping in Rocky Point Check out our latest blog entry, a review of a few places to go and get that piece of Rocky Point, now you will have something to talk about over that set of talavera cups or a beutiful embroided top. Doesn’t matter if you don’t go to the Rodeo Drive or The Old Port Market you can always find something with vendors on the beach while enjoying the sun lying on the sand or having a walk down the shore…. We hope you find this article useful… Ejoy!

Puerto Peñasco listo para tí este 2013

Damos la bienvenida a otro año más, deseamos que éste año 2013 pueda alcanzar todas sus metas, incluso la de ”¡Este año voy a viajar más!” y que con familiares y amigos puede disfrutar de unas verdaderas vacaciones frente al mar. Es nuestro propósito enterarlo de ofertas y descuentos, así como eventos que le ayuden a planear su estancia. ¡Puerto Peñasco está listo para recibirlo!